LimonDesk - EN

LimonDesk - Detail

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Usage Areas

e-Commerce Websites, Payment Collection and Introduction websites or all kind of websites


Blog page, Frequently Asked Questions, CMS, Statistics, Chat/Contact History, Department definitions, Files, Automatic ProActive, Chat Bot, Custom Fields, URL Black List, Billing


* Statistics, chat durations, feedbacks, locations, best ranked operators and much more.
*Department definitions can be created and operators can be linked with the regarded departments in order to make customers find the right department and be assisted faster.
* Automatic bot messages can be defined.
* Blog and FAQ pages can be created.
* Automatic Proactive: Live support notification can be created when the end user surfs in the website for x seconds or visits y in number pages.
* Subscription can be created for support topics and invoicing transactions can be procured.
* Edit operator profiles, control audio warnings and push notifications.
* Enter working hours of your business and your operators, make your operators automatically go offline outside of working hours.
* Add operators' Whatsapp numbers and enable your customers to contact on Whatsapp
* Send chat backups via e-mail.
* Easy Integration - sign up for free and add the code generated for you to your website.
* Automatically open a support record for mail addresses defined in the system, with the ticket module

Program Catalog

Help File click here.

Demo Request

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*  Once you want to quit our newsletter system, you can send your request via the request and suggestion form. Your request will be processed within the same day.



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