Hotel Runner is a cloud based online sales management and digital marketing platform. At the same time it is a marketplace that brings hotels, travel agencies and service providers together. Thus, while users market their facilities to various travel agencies, both parties increase their online visibility and can purchase various services or services they need.

As a result of cooperation with this company which is integrated with nearly 150 booking sites like booking.com :

* Hotels that use AKINSOFT Wolvox Hotel 9 program, will be able to follow and process booking requests on the program instantly.

* AKINSOFT Wolvox Hotel 9 customers wishing to benefit from the HotelRunner Integration, have to purchase the HotelRunner module in Wolvox Data Transfer program and monthly subscribe HotelRunner Plus package.

* Customers who subscribe HotelRunner Plus will be charged for 1% service cost per month. It is calculated based on total cost of all online reservations (imported reservations inc.) including your direct channels (your booking module and your Facebook page) and monthly service cost will be transferred to HotelRunner. In case you don't receive any online reservation in one month or service cost of 1% don't reach the minimum payment amount of 9,95 $ after calculating online reservations you received in a month, you are billed for remaining amount by HotelRunner. Since the HotelRunner Plus package is a monthly subscription, the customers can leave the system for any month they wish.

* AKINSOFT Wolvox Hotel 9 customers who purchased the HotelRunner module in our Wolvox Data Transfer program and subscibed HotelRunner Plus package will be able to benefit from the services included in the HotelRunner Plus package below.

* With HotelRunner, you can get online reservations for your hotel. You can also receive online payments if your country has a "Paytrek" infrastructure.

Free Website
Free Booking Module
Free Facebook Page
Booking Module – Language Package
Booking Module – Customization
Booking Module – Social Promotions
Booking Module– Campaigns
Booking Module – Packages and Extras
Booking Module – Coupon Codes
Booking Module – Google Analytics
Booking Module Module – Advanced Price Management
Payment Systems Integration Package (Supports 1 Bank Integration)
Free Channel Manager (Free Channels)
Premium Channel Manager (Premium Channels)
Group Hotel Management
Guest Relations Module
Mobile Application
Possibility of adding unlimited number of rooms
Possibility of unlimited number of Channel Connections
Free channels
Holiday rent channels
Premium channels
Advanced Rate Management
Possibility of unlimited number of Channel Connections
Template Website
Mobile Website
Mobile Bookings
Google Analytics Integration
Multiple Language Support
Facebook Page Booking Button
Social Promotion
Coupon Codes
Packages and Extras
Possibility of Payment Tool Integration
Competition Tracking
Online Marketing and SEO