AKINSOFT Activities

NBR Group feels the privilege of using AKINSOFT software

Could you tell us about yourself and your tasks within the firm?

I am Rzayev Najafkulu, the founder and also the manager of the distribution company "NBR Group", which was established in 2014.

Can you give brief information about the Company?

Established in 2014, "NBR QRUP" distributes alcoholic beverages, construction building materials and dry food products in 6 cities of Azerbaijan.


How did you hear about AKINSOFT Programs?

In 2015, we were in search of software to do company accounting and distribution works on the computer and we heard about AKINSOFT software on the recommendation of a friend who uses it in our country. After researching the products of many software companies, many advantages of AKINSOFT software and its easy-to-use interface made us prefer AKINSOFT software. So far, we think we made the right choice.


What did AKINSOFT program that you use contribute to your organisation?

We are currently using AKINSOFT WOLVOX ERP, Human resources and Mobile Sales PDA software. The software you have presented has greatly contributed to the acceleration of our work and our complete control. An easy-to-use interface greatly contributes to our employees getting to know the products quickly and working smoothly.


What kind of changes did you observe after starting to use the program?

Our employees have gained momentum in the field of accounting or distribution, and the quality of the services we have provided has increased noticeably.


What are your suggestions to the users who will start using the program?

Since AKINSOFT software has an easy-to-use interface and multiple modular structures, I think it is one of the indispensable software in many fields. I would recommend new users to become more familiar with the program. I think this will provide them with a great increase and quality in the services they offer.


We would like to hear your thoughts about AKINSOFT. Thank you for your time.

I would like to express my endless thanks to all AKINSOFT employees who have provided us with the AKINSOFT software that facilitates our business world and helps it be under our control, and I wish them success in this beautiful path. At the same time, I would like to express my endless thanks to Resad Esgerov, Ali Aliyev, who are the officials of Azerbaijan AKINSOFT Distributor (REC Group MMC), and İsmail Baran, representative of Yozgat Planet Computer,  who helped us 24/7 uninterruptedly in many problems we encountered and provided quick solutions to all our problems.


Rzayev NajafkuluNBR GroupAzerbaijan