Live right; your dreams will become plan and your plans will be real.



Dear Readers,

In the information era of 21st century, the computer plays a very important role in our lives. Computers take place in every aspect of adults' lives as well as our children and young people, who are the architects of the future, and are acquainted with computers from a very young age and take  computer and internet in their lives. In educational institutions computer lessons are now being taught and children are using computers and internet for their education in their school life.

While the internet occupies such a large place in daily life of young people and children, the internet has to be maximum reliable for their healthy development.

INTERNET IS A NEED NOT A PRIZE While families reward their children for their successful studies , they also include internet among their gift alternatives. However,  internet is not a gift, it is an important need that should be utilized. Some parents, who can't make this analyses , either uses internet as a reward or ban internet as a punishment. However, this should not given as a reward, because in the information age, it has become a necessity for children to use computers and the internet in order to access information and complete their education in the best way possible. It is not right to ban the internet to children who make mistakes; Just as we do not ban reading books when mistakes are made. Because, internet is an important need like a book. Computers and  internet are not for gaming or entertainment; Just as encyclopedias, books, newspapers and historical places are a source of information for us, the internet is a wealth of information that offers them all together. By guiding children about the correct use of the internet during holiday periods, apart from the education period parents can contribute to both their school education and their mental and physical development. If parents want to ensure the correct internet use of their children, they should definitely examine the software programs specially designed for this purpose.

SECURE SOFTWARE FOR A CLEAN SOCIETY Computers are constantly being refreshed with   progress in technology and accordingly, the internet, as a product of advanced technology, adds new things to our lives every day. The world is just a click away. We can access information on Internet whenever we want, we can communicate wherever we want. All these opportunities that technology provides us are open to everyone's use. This unlimited freedom on Internet can sometimes be a problem for the development of children and young people. Some websites with harmful content, which cause cybercrimes to be committed, pose a great threat to the future and development of society and especially the young generation. The IT sector contributes to the formation of a healthy society by developing appropriate software for a society with a clean and bright future, where young people can use the internet safely.

YOUNG GENERATIONS MUST BE GUIDED BY FAMILIES The developments in the information age are accompanied by protection and security problems. But the progress in software produces solutions to these as well. Thanks to the security programs with filtering feature, more useful information flow can be provided by limiting the usage areas of the internet. In particular, educational institutions should pay great attention to filter programs in order to increase the efficiency of the lessons taught in computer classes, and families to ensure that their children get the right information and navigate on secure sites. Young generations will follow the path that we will show and they will plan their future with what we teach . Considering that parents are so influential in the future of society, it should not be forgotten how important it is to guide them correctly while mobilizing all the possibilities of technology for the future of children.

SOCIETY LOOKS TO THE FUTURE WITH CONFIDENCE WITH AKINSOFT SOFTWARE As a company serving in the IT sector, AKINSOFT also contributes to a society with well-educated youth with a bright future with its software developed for safe internet use. AKINSOFT software is used safely by ;  home users who want their children to use internet more beneficially, internet cafes, commercial enterprises that want their staff to use computers more efficiently, schools and dormitories. Thanks to AKINSOFT software that can prevent unwanted sites to be visited , prevent harmful programs from running, prevent documents with certain extensions that contain threats and prevent them from being downloaded from the internet ,  young people can use internet safely, and society looks to the future with confidence.

Live right; your dreams become plans, your plans come true.