Gainings Of High Technology

It is one of the questions that is always wondered about, especially in the last period… “Does technology cause unemployment?” I have answered this question when needed. But this time I want to explain it precisely. Technology; is the gathering of scientific studies that make human life easier under one roof. Then, how likely is it that a work that makes human life easier will bring unemployment? The emergence and rapid progress of industrial studies after the Industrial Revolution brought technology into our lives. From those ages to these days , many technological products have been produced, many technological studies have been carried out, and in every period these were criticized by an unconscious group at first sight ,and  it was emphasized that it would bring unemployment and starving. Although millions of products have been produced and technological studies have been made, which has influenced our lives, unemployment has not increased as it is said, rather, different business lines and opportunities have emerged. After the industrial revolution, combine-harvester vehicles were produced to be used in agricultural lands that were tried to be plowed in primitive conditions. Although these machines were thought to cause unemploeymen at first sight, they became widespread rapidly and both facilitated heavy work conditions and provided job opportunities for many people after being produced due to fast working system. The printing house, which was invented in 1493 ,  is one of the most beautiful examples of technology , of which the existence in Europe dates back to the 1450s. Why? Because those times it was thought that this invention would finish the work of calligraphers. And this invention was opposed. However, even after the printing press came to our country, calligraphers continued their work and even their jobs became easier. Through new business lines that emerged from the printing house, job opportunities were provided to many people. At that time, there was no unemployment because of technology… Again, the most successful example of technology in the field of agriculture is the Netherlands. Although the Netherlands is smaller than Konya in terms of area, it is one of the strongest countries in the world in terms of mechanization and agriculture. This is directly proportional to the value given to technology…Imagine  a miner working thousands of meters below the ground,  a field worker trying to plow hundreds of acres of land below 0 C, workers in pesticides, paper industry, artificial fertilizer production or paint industry and being exposed to a chronic mercury poisoning. Can you argue that a technological work done will bring unemployment to facilitate the work of employees working under all these very difficult conditions? Think of a system that encourages people who are working under heavy conditions, to work in better quality jobs, and imagine that you may save the lives of those people with this system… These people are our brothers, fathers, mothers and sisters .. Why shouldn't they work in better quality conditions? Why shouldn't they do more productive work? Why not spend more time with their families? Technology;  brings more qualified workforce, better quality and shorter work processes, more efficient products, but never unemployment...  What if people can't find jobs because of technology.? Then, instead of a worker doing a job for 8 hours a day, 2 workers will do that job for 4 hours and there will be no unemployment again. We are talking about a competition and this competition concerns the whole world. We have to be in this competition and keep up with the whole world so that we can maintain our lives under above mentioned conditions. While European countries are advancing in technology, we will still be dependent on them and have to buy high technology from them. In order to prevent this, to compete with them in this field and to use our existing resources correctly, we have to develop technology and give it the necessary value. The natural resources that exist in the world are the most basic phenomenon in terms of people's ability to sustain their lives and find a job (not starving). However, it is important to use natural resources and by whom they are used, rather than having them. We even need high technology to ensure that our natural resources are used as we wish. Now the power is in the hands of those who manage high technology! It is mismanagement that leaves people unemployed, not high technology.

It's year 2015 ! There should be a big problem if we are still discussing the importance of high technology. Instead of discussing this be responsible and achieve something. If you can't, then stop throwing mud at those who succeed… Let our country , our people and we develop all together… I apologize to you,  because I wasted your time with the question “Does technology bring unemployment?” , which has a clear answer... I wish to live, help people to live , and grow old in better conditions in technological future...


Dr. Özgür AKIN AKINSOFT Chairman of the Board