AKINSOFT Activities

Dhabi's Place, located in Abia, Nigeria is one of the companies that prefers AKINSOFT Wolvox Restaurant
Could you tell us about yourself and your tasks within the firm?
My name is Ahmad, I am working in hotel and restaurant field since 2012 currently I am working in Dhabi's Place as a restaurant manager.

Can you give brief information about the Company?
Dhabi's Place is locally owned fast food outlet. Dhabi's place is providing a combination of quality food at value pricing with fun packaging and atmosphere. Dhabi's place is the answer to an increasing demand for snack type fast food while walking around inside there is a Rooftop bar, VIP lounge, Saloon & Spa which providing the best environment.

How did you hear about AKINSOFT Programs?
I used AKINSOFT in a restaurant during my job in Turkey from there I liked it, which is very easy and secure to use.

What did AKINSOFT program that you use contribute to your organisation?
AKINSOFT make our work very easy because of different section in our restaurant like Account, Store, VIP lounge, Fast food, Rooftop bar. because of secure and easy to control all of our section for me.

What kind of changes did you observe after starting to use the program?
for me all is ok because its giving me everything which I need. 

What are your suggestions to the users who will start using the program?
my suggestion for other users is that AKINSOFT is the best as my experience because it will cover all your need. 

We would like to hear your thoughts about AKINSOFT. Thank you for your time.
Best of luck AKINSOFT team. best wishes.


Dhabi's Place