The Only Thing Comes Untimely Is Time


Dear Readers,

We continue to experience the pride of adding a communication bond to the business, tolerance and heart ties between us through our Inovax magazine in every issue. It makes me happy to know that this excitement will not be missing in the new year. As AKINSOFT family, I wish that the new year will be a year in which technological developments make us happy, so that we can spare time for ourselves and have a warmer view of technology. We will welcome a very precious day for us in December. AKINSOFT's gift to the whole world, 4 December is World Informatics Day. The fact that this special day, the 15th of which we will celebrate, is now embraced by the entire IT community makes us very happy. "Informatics", which is the undisputed basic building block of all sectors, deserved such a meeting and a special day. To be able to think and provide this is a source of pride for AKINSOFT family. Now, I will examine a subject that is as enjoyable and as extraordinary as our wishes and what we have done.

Travelling in time and space? Possible!

As a matter of fact, travelling in time and space started to enter our lives with films, especially for those who were not interested in this subject at the time. The Back to the Future film (which is among the most watched films by us) was shot in 4 series, or it will be enough to look at space-themed films for space travel. We are not that far away from such journeys anymore. We can even say that travelling in time and space is even possible.

Micro, besides being a unit of measurement, has also been a term used in terminology to describe the infinity that goes down to infinity. However, science is now making discoveries at the nano, pico, femto level.  Undoubtedly, we can call the macro world the result or reflection of the combinations of the micro world. In other words, it is now possible to say that a solar system-like universe is hidden at the atomic level, or that the solar system is an atomic part of a macro world. Everything that happens in the world is the result of the infinite combinations of the micro world. If these movements can be intervened (and technology is very close to this situation), travelling in time and space seems quite possible. The direction of technology in the micro world has brought us to this stage and we are sure that it will take us much further.

Even in Nikola Tesla's tests, which began in the 1890s, it was possible to go into hyperspace in a schematic sense by subjecting matter to vibrations through high-frequency and ultra-powerful generators, and even the first steps of time travel were taken in this way. An example of this is the Compound Field Theory of Albert Einstein, one of the leading geniuses of the twentieth century.

From another point of view, we can say that travelling in space is only a few steps away. As a matter of fact, the use of radio (radio frequencies), which started at the beginning of the twentieth century, has progressed from narrow-area communication to global communication over time, and has made rapid progress from radio, television, car phone, mobile phone, satellite systems, internet, video chat, and very recently, it has made rapid progress towards talking through 3D imaging. The only thing missing for spatial displacement and the subject being studied is the ability of the transferred substance to gain intensity after reaching where it needs to go. In other words, just as the image can be copied, matter can also be copied and we can be present in the place we are travelling to as matter. This process is not a journey but a copying or reflection. With the development of this technology, we will be able to obtain the results we will obtain when we travel without travelling. Therefore, there will be no need for travelling. In fact, since this word is never used in the language of developed civilisations, it will even be removed from the literature. We can now more frequently follow the efforts and financing made by states and scientists around the world for this technology, which could usher in a new era, in the current media. Even if the foundations of this subject are based on scientists such as Tesla and Einstein, it is possible to come across scientists who put forward many theorems outside of well-known physicists.

Let's let science go on its own course and let's look at the event from a philosophical point of view. I will now explain to you how these journeys are made and how possible they are with an example. I am currently in AKINSOFT Konya Merkez Plaza, the date is 23rd of October 2010 AD, 15:09:24. I close my eyes and I am going to Rome in 17 BC, 30th of February, 08:16:14 (Julian calendar is still in use). Maybe I don't like where I live, maybe I don't like the time. This is possible, but the only deficiency in this journey is that I cannot carry information from where I came from. That is why I do not realize that I have come from 2010 AD to 17 BC. I live in that period for a while. I want to change places in Rome and come to the present day, as a company manager. As the manager of a rapidly growing technology company that will one day appear in the world. I close my eyes again and when I open them, it is the 23rd of October 2010 AD, 15:09:24, that is, in today's time zone, I am at AKINSOFT Konya Central Plaza. I am not even aware that I have closed and opened my eyes because I cannot carry any information, time has not progressed at all, everything is where and when I left it.

It is of course possible to change places in time and space as long as you want to! But you are already where, when, and with whom you want to be. You have determined everything around you and its place. So you are in this time and place. You have chosen what is best for you. Enjoy life, cherish your loved ones, and most importantly love yourself, the center of the world.

Next issue; We are in contact with aliens every day.

" The only thing comes untimely is time."


Özgür AKIN

AKINSOFT Chairman of the Board Computer Engineer Msc