
Dear INOVAX readers; while I am happy to be with you once again, the topic I will discuss in this issue is "Leadership!"

Before giving information about leadership, let me briefly explain "Who is a leader?".

In many books, leaders are defined by different people. In my opinion, a leader is a person who is accurate, honest, foresighted, constantly renewing himself/herself, who can see ahead and take the necessary steps, who has a high ability to persuade and succeed, who can use his/her emotional intelligence well, who can think correctly even in difficult times, who can make strategic decisions quickly, and who is open to change.

In addition, a leader is a person who can make ordinary people do extraordinary things, provide favorable conditions for them to discover their own talents and drag the masses after them for a certain goal, and keep philosophy ahead of psychology.

A leader is a person who has the ability to think differently, who can think about things in multiple ways, who accelerates the achievement of the goal with different perspectives and does not allow deviation from the goal, who knows how to be an amateur where necessary and a professional where necessary, and who can impress with his knowledge and experience in his work. A leader is also a theoretician. He determines the mission and vision.

Although it may seem a bit complicated, in summary, a leader is someone who can make the most successful plans and realize excellence...

Leadership is another virtue, a gift bestowed upon human beings. Leadership is the label worn by people who are different from the ordinary, who are a bit extreme, who are above human norms, and who possess all the qualities I have just mentioned.

Leadership is walking with those who are with you, one step ahead, showing them the way. It is to see and feel what they cannot see and act first. It requires sharp intelligence, not thinking like others, and avoiding generalizations.

Leadership is to love people and country before yourself when necessary. It is to create a vision for the country you love. It is to overcome obstacles without giving up.

Leadership is the mission of a person who has the ability to see the future, to make decisions for years to come, and to make studies and plans not only for himself/herself but also to lead those who follow him/her on this path.

After defining "What is leadership?" at length, let us examine the answers to questions such as "Can every leader be a good manager?", "What is management?", "How are subordinate-superior relations within the hierarchical structure and what is the role of the manager here?".

"Can every leader be a good manager?" Although it may seem impossible to have leadership qualities, every person can have pros and cons. Before moving on to this comparison, let's address the question "What is management?".

Management means, first of all, being able to manage oneself and then the personnel under one's control. It means taking responsibility.

Management is an executive level. It is the field of activity of people who keep their subordinates under absolute control, who have sufficient technical knowledge about their work, who lock their staff to the target and interact with them to achieve that target.

Management is to take part in an already established system, to play an active role in the return of the system's interests, to apply the right strategy in a crisis, to ensure a good subordinate-superior balance and to manage stress well.

Management is the task undertaken by a person who has the ability to manage events and people, knows where and how to behave, has the ability to carry the corporate structure of the company, can make quick decisions, and has an innovative mindset.

Knowing how to take the right steps at the right time, working with determination to increase the efficiency of the staff, being able to control emotional intelligence when necessary, and not only looking from a professional point of view are among the requirements of management.

After so many different definitions, in my opinion, management is the work of people who think about their work every moment of the day and constantly maintain the balance between work and life. Therefore, a good leader may not be a good manager. The responsibility of being a leader and the responsibility of being a manager is different. The leader manages the manager and it is easier to manage managers who have many of their own qualities than it is to manage people with normal human norms.

AKINSOFT has a hierarchical structure in which subordinate-superior relations are determined by schemes and employee-manager dialogues are established in a modernized structure. It consists of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Senior Managers, Managers, Responsible, and Personnel configuration. In the hierarchical structure of AKINSOFT, this order is based on the department system. This structure is an indication of which personnel should be in contact with which manager. In this way, the personnel who want to go to the upper steps in the hierarchical structure know their steps.

Of course, there are pros and cons of management for personnel who want to improve themselves, make a career and try to climb these steps one by one. Knowing and willing these, they should have the knowledge that they can be a good manager by turning negative aspects into positive ones.

If I need to mention the pros and cons of being a manager; management is to take risks.

The plus points are that it allows one to have a say in the hierarchical structure and allows ideas to be implemented more easily. It is the transition from the labor-intensive period to the think-intensive phase. It allows you to have a say in getting where you want to go in life. It gives you respect and prestige, broadens your horizons, makes you understand the sense of responsibility very well, many people want to be in your place.

If the employees are in a happy, peaceful working life and the manager is convinced that he/she is doing his/her job correctly, this gives a great pleasure. Being able to offer solutions and direct people with the qualification of a manager are also moral pluses of management.

The cons are; you cannot act as freely as you want due to duties and responsibilities, you have to constantly limit yourself, a wrong decision can affect the lives of many people, it requires extreme caution and this is a source of stress and pressure. A manager cannot say what he/she wants to say easily, there are factors that stop them, sometimes because of the position, sometimes because of the organization.

Despite all these pros and cons, being a manager, being the closest to the top in the established order, is a sign of success and this success is one of the happiest feelings.

The requirements of leadership, management, and being a manager, which I have been defining since the beginning of my article, reveal the ideal leader character in total.

An ideal leader is an extraordinary person who has created magnificent works of art with his/her unimaginative plans, and who can drag the masses behind him/her with every step he/she takes and every word he/she speaks.

"Just because those around you are on the ground doesn't mean you can't fly..." Ö.A

Above all, the ideal leader is not interested in who says and does what, but is able to act on their own intuition...