Experiences In 2012

Dear INOVAX Readers; In the first issue of the new year, I will try to compile some of the topics from the agenda of 2012 for you. Global fluctuations, the war across borders and the economic crisis directly affected our country, even though it was said to be a tangent. Different sectors experienced stagnation in different periods due to the worldwide economic crisis. If we take the information and technology sector into consideration, we cannot deny that many imported products have been attempted to be produced in our country and that they have been very successful.  Despite the global fluctuations, I believe that the Turkish economy has shown healthy growth. As AKINSOFT, I can proudly say that 2012 was one of our growth years.

"Normally everyone is beautiful. The important thing is to be beautiful in a crisis." I think my quote is very appropriate for this situation. Keeping crisis management under control, determining and implementing the right strategic plans played a major role in our success. Our growth rate in employment and the increase in the utilization rate of our software, the increasing number of our intercontinental dealer networks, our attacks in the field of exports and the breakthrough we have made in the field of robotics are indicators that the past year was a productive year. 2012 was not only a year of changes in the economy, but also a year of bombshell events. One of the most talked about events was the rumors that December 21, 2012, the date of the end of the world, according to the calendar made by the Mayans, a Central American civilization founded by the Indian Mayan peoples who rose to power in the 600s BC, was the end of the world, which occupied the world agenda for a long time. December 21, 2012 became the phenomenon of 2012.

The rumors that the apocalypse will break with the end of the Mayan calendar on that date left question marks in the minds of many people. Those who benefited the most were the people of Şirince in İzmir and Bugarach Village in France, who believed that they would not be harmed even if the apocalypse broke out. People who believed in the apocalypse flocked to these two places before December 21 and revitalized the economy in those places. As a matter of fact, since the apocalypse did not happen, everyone continued their normal lives, but it was the media sector that profited the most from this... The most controversial issue of 2012 came out of our country this time. The changes in the field of education, which suddenly became the national agenda, affected everyone from 7 to 70. First of all, the gradual system of 4+4+4 was introduced in education. Primary schools were divided into primary and secondary schools as they used to be. It was argued that students would be more successful in this system. Just as this issue was starting to be adopted, a revolutionary change called the "Free Dress Code in Primary Schools" started to occupy the agenda. Every day in the news bulletins, members of the press handed microphones to the public. While some of those whose children went to school and students who were at the center of this practice argued that this practice would have positive consequences, the vast majority reacted. Some conscientious parents said that their children would be negatively affected by this practice, that it would further classify society, and that children would engage in unnecessary competition over clothes outside of classes. Were only parents against this practice? Of course not...

Some of those who suffered the most were the big companies producing school uniforms and the small shopkeepers selling them, not to mention the worry of what to wear every morning... I would like to remind you that Albert Einstein bought 8 of the same suits and wore the same suit every day... 2012 also witnessed different events in terms of technology. On December 18, 2012, the reconnaissance satellite Göktürk-2, which was started to be built by TÜBİTAK UZAY in 2007, was sent into space on a Long March-2D carrier rocket from the Jiuquan Launch Base in China. Eighty percent of Göktürk-2's hardware and 100% of its software are the work of Turkish engineers. It is also the first satellite produced for this purpose in the history of the Republic of Turkey. As a technology lover, every work done in this field makes me and my organization proud. Göktürk-2 also has a very important place in Turkey's defense. Göktürk-2, which will be delivered to the Turkish Air Force Command after the completion of trials and tests, will enable the development of technology, expert manpower, and infrastructure for space and satellite systems, and meet the observation and research needs of public institutions and organizations. In 2013 and beyond, I would like to conclude my article with a quote I like very much, wishing that there will be no sad events, that technological developments will gain more momentum, and that our country will reach a good place in the field of informatics as in every field. "Nations that do not give the necessary importance to high technology are doomed to be slaves, thinking that they are free in their own lands." Ö. AKIN The Turkish nation has never been under slavery, and it will never be so by giving more importance to technology... My dear (!) (<=For foreign powers...)



Chairman of the Board

Computer Engineer Msc