All Sciences Are Negative, The Positive One Is Human

Dear readers, in this issue, i will get down career in a structure parallel to my speeches that I mentioned in my career days seminars at universities. Career is a difficult journey for some, a difficult path for others, a friend that accompanies him in the life he walks for some. It has never been the first two options for me, in my understanding, career is not a destination, but a companion that walks with you along your target to achieve. First of all, let's be a good human, this is the beginning of everything, then comes to be a well-equipped person and to improve ourselves in the scientific field.

Through this approch , i adopted the philosophy “There should be no place where people and humanity are not valued.”. Many of you know from my seminars, social media and my website, how I got to this success-oriented point we call career. However, to repeat for our readers who do not know; The starting point of my career in my life was to decide what job I couldn't do, in this way I could give more effort into and work harder to achieve it. What couldn't I be? I decided on this first. “I can't be a computer engineer” , I said. Then i must be a computer engineer. You decide where you want to be. Of course, it is not enough just to be a computer engineer, it is necessary to specialize in the area. My advice regarding this is to ask ourselves the question  : “What is waiting us in business life?”. Based on the answer , specialize in one area. Decide what you will be an expert on and improve yourself in that area. I tell my friends who are computer engineers that ,  "I am a computer engineer"  is not a complete definition , it's a modern version of saying. "I'll do anything". "What do you do for living?" Give a very clear answer to the question like ,“I am a PHP (Personal Home Page) Specialist.”, “I am a Csharp Specialist.”, “I am a Mobile Technologies Specialist.”, “I am a Network Specialist.”, “I am an Artificial Intelligence Software Specialist.”, “I am a Database Specialist.”. If you participate job interviews like this, doors will  open for you.

You will be one step ahead of your competitors. If you start that job, five more jobs will open up for others tomorrow, twenty-five, one hundred and twenty-five the next day… This number increases exponentially. If you are a mechanical engineer, have good command of both  design programs and the workbench. Don't think I'm a mechanical engineer, I just draw. If you are an electronic engineer, have knowledge of master electrical circuits, circuit design (PCB) software, hardware programming tools, control systems.  No matter what field you specialize in, science requires action from the first breath to the last breath. “I can find a job after school" approach is over. Career planning cannot be made with such a thinking. You need to set your visions in advance for your development in your personal or business life. For this, benefit the internship periods while you are a student. Focus on your homework and projects. Homework and some projects are given to our students, but unfortunately, with student psychology, they do homework and projects in a sloppy and unwilling way.

This causes us to  feel our student and internship period a torture. Do not think that this studentship will end, it will never end, so let's learn how to love it and bring the studies and projects we have done during studentship to the industry and the economy. If I think that I am unique and I have my own ideas and projects , I will implement them and I will be successful, so education period will become enjoyable and provide a basis for the future. "Never give up"; Even if one day you look back and see that the footprints you left have disappeared, keep walking on the right path for you , because there will be people who embrace you at your destination rather than those who follow you. As long as you decide where you're going, what you want to do and where you want to be, and tell it to everyone, everywhere. If you have started to develop yourself in the areas you have chosen, you will either be the crazy of the smart village or the smartest of the crazy village... Let's be open to innovations, if we are observant of the events around us, if we become aware of the events, we can catch the privilege of being one step ahead. Robotic technologies that will develop the country are now being produced in our country and the investment cost is very high. It is not a job that will make any money for the time being, but it is actually a job that will make a lot of money soon. If we do not proceed in this area, we will buy cars , planes , machines from outside , and indeed we do! Our country should produce its own product and use high technology. This country will relive its glorious times as in the past.

Robots will be produced in this country, you will be the representatives of technology, you will do good works, and your success means the success of our country. Say that I will do this job, I will be an expert in this field, believe in yourself, keep your motivation high, wonder, research and never lose your enthusiasm  as long as you want to succeed. As Albert Einstein said, “Enthusiasm is more important than intelligence.” Our intelligence can do limited work without enthusiasm. Do not forget this! Make sure you're heading in the right direction, stay focused, and keep walking. After doing and feeling all these, did we reach the point we wanted? No! Don't say you've done enough, continue to improve yourself and grow with innovations day by day. This is the meaning of success that I adopt, and even a philosophy of life, and my employees also adopt this idea.

We, AKINSOFT family, are amateur professionals, we never say we are done, we always try to be the best. This is what I want from you too. You will choose the right position, you will be the right person in working life. “Live right; your dreams become plans, your plans come true." Only if you know how to look at the right point at the right moment, at the right time, with right people, work with right tools, and if you truly believe, you can be successful. Before I conclude my article dear Inovax readers I wan't to say ; “Do not let life slide, you draw your path, you decide the direction.”. Because “A Life left to slide ; Is like taking an automatic shot on a professional camera. The shots you will get are amateur!”


Ozgur AKIN

Computer Engineer

AKINSOFT Chairman of the Board