Realized the project of "laying the foundations of foreign trade",
the vision of 2005, and forged ahead in foreign trade, AKINSOFT
has perpetually continued to expand global partner network. In
this context, it has provided 2nd Solution Partnership for Romania
that has owned 1st one in 2009. By having Solution Partnership
with Sc Revan Computers Srl, now AKINSOFT is determinant for being
one of the most preferred software company in Romania.
The executive of New Romania Solution Partner, Sc
Revan Computers Srl joined in AKINSOFT rendering service in 11
countries, Mr. Sorej Hocaoglu has visited AKINSOFT Istanbul
Regional Directorate. Mr. Hocaoglu informed about the certain
system by AKINSOFT Foreign Trade Expert, Mr. Ibrahim Kale, has
indicated having great pleasure for the business cooperation with